
The week in Broketown, 1/2 – 1/6

This week took a bite out of us, but at least we bit back. via @joshmbernstein on Instagram.
A liver-spotted hand holding an Italian sandwich: that’s old school Brooklyn. via @joshmbernstein / IG

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Within hours of New Year’s Day, 2017 was deemed No Man-buns Land in Brooklyn.

A broke rapper dropped a catchy song on how to scam free rides from the MTA.

You told us which of your favorite bars you wanted to see in our 2017 Beer Books!

A rap video by our own Sam Corbin skewered NYC’s abstract art scene pretty perfectly.

The job market reached its millennial peak with this Instagram internship on a cruise.

We rounded up yet another month of anti-Trump protests and benefit shows

…and one comedian made her uterus a bank so Trump and Pence wouldn’t regulate it.

Wearing a Superfund site as a party dress would cost you $188.

In a gentrified Williamsburg, old-school Italian businesses stayed strong.

Brooklyn’s Exponential Festival gave us an excuse to see cool new theater.

We’ve reached the tipping point of actual winter, so send us your best:

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