Chances are if you’re a fan of Girls, you can’t actually afford your own HBO subscription. And if you’re not lucky enough to mooch off of your ex’s parent’s neighbor’s HBO GO account, your weekly viewing of Lena Dunham’s breasts may be in jeopardy.
While nowhere in Brooklyn seems to have a public screening this upcoming Sunday, luckily, you can travel to Manhattan for Girls’ January 12th premiere! And who knows, you may actually meet some superfan there who shells out for HBO and will be willing to host your Girls viewing parties.
Bro-heavy East Village saloon Professor Thom’s (219 Second Ave, East Village) will be screening Girls on its 150-inch projection screen (usually used for rowdy football nights) and three LCD TVs. Enjoy free jello shots any time Lena Dunham gets naked or you’re able to identify an NYC location on the show.
Play your own drinking games with The Porch Climber ($6), a blend of Budweiser, whiskey, vodka and lemonade, because all twentysomething Brooklynites enjoy beer cocktails. The excitement starts at 7pm, two full hours before the premiere.
It’s not too shocking you’d have to cross the river to see the continuing misadventures of Hannah Horvath. Manhattanites are fascinated by Brooklyn: the brownstones, the thrift shop grunge, the somewhat-cheaper soymilk lattes. But for Brooklynites, it’s no big deal to spend an afternoon at Café Grumpy or wander aimlessly in Greenpoint, and we need not flip through the glossy pages of Vogue to see what’s Brooklyn chic this season. We all know our own Hannah Horvaths, struggling to make it as writers and as humans.
Still, if you’re not wild about Manhattanites who are not so secretly obsessed with Brooklyn, there’s hope after the premier. Hybrid screening room, bar and rental store Videology (308 Bedford, Williamsburg) usually hosts a weekly Girls screening party. This week, they’ll screen the Golden Globes at 8pm, a sad scheduling overlap, but the show returns on January 19 for Season 3, Episode 2.
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