Hey nerd, looking to beef up your comic collection? Of course you (we) are, there’s never a bad opportunity to put more […]
Given that every summer movie season from now on is going to have at least one giant Marvel movie attached to it, […]
Selling comics is heroic business, what with lousy kids nowadays preferring to get their comic book superhero adventures from movies and not […]
You guys remember The Defender? Brooklyn Brewery’s own superhero/hyper-local beer? You probably don’t recognize him up there, since last time you saw […]
Family Circus continues to survive today, against all odds. But thanks to the internet, an important question as been both asked, and answered: […]
There was a time when Marvel differentiated itself from their rival DC by refusing to play the resurrection game. If a character died, that […]
We’re all having trouble making rent these days. Times are hard, and they’re not getting any easier, especially for Galaxy Collectibles in […]
[UPDATE 3/12: Well, this crashed the internet and the giveaway got pulled. Geek power]. Comics, like video games, aren’t relegated to the […]
“Do you like comedy?” Usually these words mean “Do you like to feel uncomfortable while a terrible and slightly offensive ‘up and […]