1. See Curtis Eller, America’s “angriest yodeling banjo player” do his thing at Branded, because this is Brooklyn in the year 2013 (Friday)
2. It’s a fundraiser/pizza making contest, so you can show off, fill up and still claim to be doing good for the world. A rare win-win-win (Friday)
3. The Brick hosts plays based on conversations with internet chat machine Cleverbot. Expect things to be…robotic? (Friday)
4. The Toothaches and Eskalators really ramp things up at Death By Audio (Friday)
5. Never a bad time to adopt a bunny or a kitten. Unless you just had to give yours up because you just had a kid who’s allergic to them. Lousy kids (Saturday)
6. Launchpad is hosting a craft fair, featuring baubles and whatses made by your fellow Brooklynites (Saturday)
7. Here’s your ticket, hear the drummer get wicked. Red Bull welcomes you to the velodrome (Saturday)
8. Union Pool hosts a house party, but there’s no Kid’N’Play. But there are also no angry parents coming home to bust things up, so, y’know, win some and lose some (Saturday)
9. Miss the Launchpad craft fair? There’s another one going on Sunday. This is the age of miracles and wonders (Sunday)
10. Obsolete Cinema posts up at Freddy’s again and wishes a happy birthday to William Shatner with a double feature that includes the movie he filmed in Esperanto (Sunday)
11. Free sweat lodge at a bar? Free sweat lodge at a bar (Sunday)
12. An unlimited spaghetti fundraiser for Sandy relief. Mangia! (Sunday)
13. Watch some people paint some happy little trees in Bushwick (Sunday)
14. Ride the Wonder Wheel! (Sunday)
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