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Our new 2017 Beer Books went on sale! We know you’re gonna need beer this year.
You heard the words “citywide Yemeni bodega strike” for the first time in your life.
Then thousands of bodega owners rallied in front of Borough Hall (with great signs too).
And we learned the rest of America doesn’t know what a bodega is.
These tattoo artists offered cheap feminist tattoos to benefit Planned Parenthood.
Smunion, the beloved, maybe mafia-tied, Smith Street bodega, got its own T-shirt.
We finally got the Nazi-punching film festival we needed.
The affordable housing lottery for units in a Downtown Brooklyn building opened.
Grand Army Plaza emerged as the center of BK’s Resist Trump movement.
Union Hall kicked off a fundraising Resistance Comedy series.
Got tips? We love em! tips[at]brokelyn.com
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