Man, when it rains developer chutzpah, it really fucking pours. Fresh off the news that some brilliant real estate minds are too busy destroying shit to be bothered to prove they own it, word comes down from Sheepshead Bites that a piece of land previously targeted for a 22-story development that opposed because of its enormity is now being fitted for an even larger building coming in at thirty stories.
Muss Development, the developers who own the lot located at 1501 Voorhies Avenue, just filed a new permit that shows plans for a 250-unit condo building rising 333 feet tall. Which maybe wouldn’t be out of place on the Williamsburg waterfront, but as Sheepshead Bites points out, would be “four times taller than anything else in the area.” So, this is either a brilliant plan to make the people of Sheepshead Bay think, “Huh, maybe 22-stories wasn’t totally crazy,” or this will be the first move in the totally brilliant plan of filling a seaside neighborhood with giant housing towers where people can get trapped as the ocean takes its eventual revenge on us. Either way, should make for an interesting zoning fight, since it’s not like people usually welcome developments like this.
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Won’t be much of a zoning fight, actually. It’s being built as-of-right. More to come. :)
I’m not opposed to this. We need more housing. Neighborhoods like the Upper West Side and Chelsea used to be low-rise too once upon a time. Only thing that sucks is the huge number of parking spaces and the cars that this would bring to the neighborhood. The previous plan called for 3 times as many parking spots, so all things considered this plan is better.