Now that the likes of Zosia Mamet and Penn Badgley live there, Bushwick doesn’t have room for graffiti-filled cesspools of beer-and-shot combos and terrifying bathrooms. Specifically, we’re talking about Wreck Room, a stop on the “Hey, I’ve puked in front of here” tour that you soon won’t be able to bring friends to, because according to Bushwick Daily, the dive is closing its doors on Saturday.
Bushwick Daily spoke to an employee about the closure, who blamed it on the same old story of a rent increase coupled with a bar owner who just wasn’t interested in dealing with it anymore. So Saturday, June 28 will be your last day to drink there before the bar is gone forever.
The news is definitely a bummer for anyone who loves cheap shot-and-beer combos or places that stick to their shithole roots, but good news for people who still want to keep Mike Bloomberg’s dream of New York as a luxury product alive. We’re sure that there’s an exciting hip #brand like Chipotle or Red Mango that will be willing to pay whatever it is the landlord is asking for that prime Flushing Avenue real estate near the nondescript warehouses and across the street from a truck parking lot with a dirty mattress in it.
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Those bathrooms are pretty awful! The best experience I had a Wreck Room was going in there strictly to drunkenly eat a rice ball on my way home from a friend’s loft near by. I was caring a commemorative shovel with me which got me some double glances but I didn’t really care. Then, when I was outside waiting for a cab a dude came by and said he was looking for a shovel and asked if he could use it. I laughed and sarcastically said, “Oh yeah, of course! Because it makes sense that a girl and with a shovel would be on the street corner at the very same time you just happen to need one.” Of course I thought he was just being a jerk. He then continued to grab the shovel and say, “Thanks! Be right back!” and ran up the street into the darkness. I thought he was fucking with me, and just stole my shovel. I wasn’t all that emotionally attached to it so I just stood there confused and continued to wait on my ride. That would have been odd enough, but then, as my cab pulled up, he came running back down the street and said, “Thanks so much! What are the odds?! I really needed that. Thanks!” He handed me my shovel, and walked over to show the bouncer at the Wreck Room his ID.
I was in shock , getting into a cab with a now dirty shovel, as a random cute stranger walked into one of the dirtiest gems of Bushwick. I’ve always wondered what he used it for, and kick myself for not going after him to ask. Really though, what are the odds that we’d both be there at that time, and he actaully needed a shovel, and I some how helped him out. Anyway, I never made it onto Missed Connections that weekend, so I figured I’d share it here. I want to know, man who needed a shovel on a random drizzly night in Bushwick. What did you need it for?! What did you do with the shovel that now sits in my living room with god knows what on it.
Our beloved elderly cat, Gustave had passed away in his sleep. I didn’t want my girlfriend to return home from work to find his mortal shell, nor turn this nobel gentleman over to the sanitation dept. via vet proxy. I was in route to find a shovel by hook or by crook, to give Gustave a proper burial, when the universe introduced us. Thank you again for sharing in our time of need, I raised many a glass to Gustave at wreckroom that night, and my wife and I will raise more a glass to you soon.
this place isn’t worth the tears. It was a phony dive for kids who just moved here after dropping out of Oberlin or Hampshire. You want to make some zeitgeist piece about the decline and gentrification blah blah blah but this is the wrong candidate for that story. This bar just sucked and was run by the sort of rich kids who think it’s cool to own your own pool cue. Real flaming eight ball crew. Ear gauges were popularized here.
They are going out of business because they don’t deserve to be in business. Super fucking dipshit central, seriously.
I liked Wreck Room, and I lacked the effort and intelligence in high school to even get in to Oberlin or Hampshire to have the opportunity to drop out.
Bushwick Daily got one fact wrong, it’ll be open for a final goodbye 2-10pm on Sunday June 29!!!
Sorry, my manager told me wrong, Saturday night will in fact be the last night.
Wreckroom has a manager?