When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, I try to avoid them. Just not that big on self-improvement. Yet there’s still so many things I haven’t done in Brooklyn, or haven’t done enough that I’m willing to try to commit to making them happen. Like, say, staying on the Cyclone after riding once and sitting up front the second time. Eating more vegan comfort food. Going to the Rockaways more than just one or two times this summer. Drinking at every dive bar. I’m gonna determine once and for all whether or not East Williamsburg is a neighborhood and bite the bullet and go to a Nets’ game (and boo the crap out of them). Help rebuild. Stand up for the G train. Actually go to brunch sometimes, weekend or weekday. See more than one movie outdoors this summer, since you never know who’s gonna be there. Have an affair (which can be helped along by $1 oysters). Hell, maybe I’ll even try playing soccer since we have those new fields. What about you? How are you going to make 2013, if not better, at least more interesting than 2012?
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To rob a small bank and finally eat at Brooklyn Fare. Until then, rooting through their trash and licking their windows will have to do.
Eat more, write less.
rewrite my will (again)
Putting me back in? Thanks!