Sure turkeys, geese and pigs get a lot of attention during the holidays, but sadly, they’re not “around” to appreciate it. Show them you care this season by reading up on the bigger impact your diet has on the world. Gather up your vegan cookbooks, how-to DVDs and other vegetarian/animal rights material and RSVPing to the totally free Vegan & Animal Rights Bookswap at LaunchPad on Dec. 10. Host Jamie J. Hagen welcomes all participants, from strict vegan to what she calls “veg-curious passerby.” While you’re swapping your well-loved Veganomicon for a new-to-you copy of The Happy Herbivore Cookbook, you can win raffle prizes, and the dairy-free icing on the cake is that all proceeds go to Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary.
Prizes include goodies from local Brooklyn merchants Owl and Thistle General Store and Raganella.
Vegan & Animal Rights Bookswap, December 10, 2-5 p.m. at Launchpad 721 Franklin Ave.
Follow Sarah: @sarahbibi.
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Thanks for sharing this info! I hope lots of Brokleyn folks show up. We’ve also got a $20 gift certificate to Chavela’s, a local favorite Mexican restaurant and bar, as a raffle prize! http://chavelasnyc.com/