On Sunday, America’s eyes will all be focused on the Meadowlands as the Broncos and Seahawks smash into each other (literally) and determine who the best football team ever, until next year, is. Where will a hungover America turn for bloodsport after that though? Well, if you’re quick and you sign up for this season of Brewskee-Ball at the Full Circle Bar, you’ll be covered for the next two months. Plus you’ll get to play skee-ball and get drunk with people.
If, like a previous editor of ours, you wasted away your youth rolling balls up a ramp on the Jersey Shore, it’s finally time to make that part of your life useful. Get two of your friends and a witty team name and pick a night to roll, either Sundays, Mondays or Wednesdays. Registration will run you $100 each person, but it covers the entire season, along with things like trophies and league t-shirts, along with the 10 free beers you get over the course of a season. The first roll-off is on February 9, so don’t sit around thinking about this too hard. Instead email the first stupid team name you think of, your roster (with alternates) and what night you can plat to join [AT] brewskeeball.com
If you like skee-ball but don’t think you’ve got what it takes to go pro, don’t worry. Before the competition gets into full gear, the season officially starts with a Kickoff Jamboree on Monday, February 3 at 7pm, with free skee-ball all night a Genesee open bar from 7pm to 9pm. You know, it sounds like the NFL could learn a thing or two about season kickoffs from these folks.
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