1. Graywolf Poetry has sent three poets on the road to read in three cities in three days, so show the tired poets some love at Book Court (Monday)
2. It’s time for the Franklin Park reading series! This one features Sarah Bruni, reading from her novel The Night Gwen Stacy Died. It’s not about Peter Parker though (Monday)
3. It’s also time for Simpsons Club! And they’re showing the legendary “Whacking Day” episode, with special guest star, Barry White (Monday)
4. Get cultured by listening to two really really smart people talk about Hamlet at powerHouse Arena. Then just repeat things they said at cocktail parties (Tuesday)
5. Play FIFA ’13 at Banter, since you’re bad at soccer in real life. It’s OK, it’s a hard sport to master (Tuesday)
6. Hey, wanna see a dead body? Good news then: Red Hook Flicks kicks off with Stand By Me (Tuesday)
7. It’s the opening night of the Feast of the Giglio in Williamsburg, which means Williamsburg is gonna be a carnival for the next couple weeks! More so than usual, we mean (Wednesday)
8. SummerScreen kicks off as well, with Can’t Hardly Wait. Has it held up since the late 90s? By the end of the movie, we predict that you’ll pretend you never liked it (Wednesday)
9. Take a harbor tour at Brooklyn Bridge Park to learn all the ways New York’s street life has impacted America’s pop culture. Mostly by making it more awesome (Wednesday)
10. Ride the chillwave with Toro y Moi at the House of Vans (Thursday)
11. Movies with a View at Brooklyn Bridge Park also kicks off, so go see Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. But only if you have a kiss for daddy (Thursday)
12. Pop in to Bar 4 to listen to a professional storyteller spin a yarn, and get the chance to tell your own story. Hope it’s interesting (Thursday)
13. Videology is celebrating The O.C.‘s 10th anniversary, so watch a couple episodes and remember what things were like in California, Californiiiaaaaa (Friday)
14. Comedy group American Candy has some sketches for you about America’s longest running war with no victor: the battle between the sexes (Friday)
15.Party Like It’s 1999 celebrates Point Break‘s 22nd birthday with some 90s music. Yep, Point Break is a 90’s movie, despite reeking of 80’s EXTREME culture. Weird, huh? (Friday)
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Is the toro y moi show sold out?