Now Hiring in BK: Gilt Groupe, BK Historical Society, more!
So holiday season is yet again upon us, and we know what that means: the purchasing of turkeys, the entertaining of relatives […]
So holiday season is yet again upon us, and we know what that means: the purchasing of turkeys, the entertaining of relatives […]
Though the ice melting on the sidewalk may suggest otherwise, we’re finally well past the middle of winter, and spring and summer […]
Gilt Groupe is having an NYC warehouse sale, from May 18 – 20, but you have to pay $10 to $20 just to get in the door. Is it worth it?
The Brooklyn tech scene is booming, what with all those NYU geeks on the way and the freshly minted Brooklyn Tech Triangle. […]
Drunk shopping is how you end up with three bags of chips and a cheeseburger in your purse in the morning, or […]
In cased you missed it, the Times style section had a good piece comparing flash deal sites like Ideeli and Gilt to other retail discount sites — and guess what! — the flash sales aren’t always such a bargain. Reporter Stephanie Rosenbloom compared prices on a Kate Spade tote bag, a navy dress by Decode 1.8 and Bjorn leather flats and found that the items were actually cheaper elsewhere.
If you can’t seem to get enough offers for cheap teeth whitening and brow waxings at salons you’ve never heard of, then […]
We’ve never really understood the whole Gilt Groupe membership thing—it’s a designer-discount site where they say you have to be invited to […]