Happy 4/20, everyone. Well hey, you’re probably already greening out to chillwave anthems in Prospect Park and ducking behind trees and/or dogs to avoid cops and/or aliens, but we have some exciting news! You can be high while we tell you about it, we’re not judging.
This morning SummerStage announced its 2016 programming, and it includes a glorious month-long music festival spanning Brooklyn’s parks top to bottom. It may be “presented” by a big bank (coming soon to replace an everything near you!) but the lineup says nothing about the corporate goons that are funding it. In fact, the SummerStage series is jam-packed with diverse voices and musical styles, and shows are decently spread across the borough. And there are pleeeenty big names to get excited about — Public Enemy, Angie Stone, Chairlift, Lisa Simone and Blonde Redhead, just to name a few. Not to mention the GrandWizzard Theodore, who to this day I maintain spun the best DJ set that I have ever experienced.
This schedule isn’t even the half of it; Summerstage has a whole season of events that includes dance, theater, film and family-friendly affairs. We just wanted to pack all the Brooklyn music into one post, because we know how you kids like to party. So you know the drill: mark down your favorites from the dates below, and let the summer countdown continue.

Coffey Park
85 Richards Street, Red Hook
All shows 7pm
June 14: Chairlift
June 15: Just Blaze and Friends
June 16: Blonde Redhead
Saratoga Park
Halsey St. & Howard Ave., Bed-Stuy
All shows 7pm
June 13: DJ Hard Hittin’ Harry / Afripedia screening
June 27: Felix Hernandez’s Rhythm Revue / 20 Feet from Stardom screening
Betsy Head Park
Livonia Ave. & Strauss St., Brownsville
All shows 7pm
June 21: Public Enemy / DJ Tedsmooth
June 22: Angie Stone / DJ Chuck Chillout
June 23: Duck Down BBQ
June 26: DJ Gringo / Queen Nanny screening
Brooklyn Bridge Park
334 Furman St., DUMBO
All shows 7pm
June 24: Metropolitan Opera Recital series (Angel Blue, Ben Bliss, Alexey Lavrov, Dan Saunders)
July 20: PitchBlak Brass Band and Maurice Brown (details here)
July 27: Larry Harlow (details here)
Herbert Von King Park
670 Lafayette Ave., Bed-Stuy
All shows 7pm
June 28: Lisa Simone / What Happened Miss Simone? screening
June 29: Soul in the Horn ft. Theo Croker, Maurice Mobetta Brown, Marcus Machado / Kendra Foster / DJ Natasha Diggs / hosted by DProsper
June 30: Vivian Green / GrandWizzard Theodore
July 2: Everyday People
July 3: Trouble Funk / Operator Emz
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