It’s Halloween time and beyond all those parties you have to make time for, you’ve also got to make room in your stomach for candy, so much candy. Of course, now that you’re an adult your tastes might be leaning towards something a bit more mature, something that sounds a bit more French. If that’s the case, Bay Ridge bakers (and makers of great holiday-themed stunt foods) is rolling out what they’re calling Pain au Halloween, or in English, candy-stuffed croissants.
The Pain au Halloween will be offered up for the next two weekends at Robicelli’s (9009 5th Avenue, Bay Ridge), and while it looks rather fancy, it has a Halloween twist. Staying true to the trick-or-treat roots that we all love, the croissants are stuffed with fun-sized candy from Duane Reade. What you see above is a Snickers croissant, but according to their Facebook post introducing the treat, they’ve also got croissants stuffed with KitKat, Take 5 and Twix bars, so there’s something for everyone (except people who can’t eat these).
Allison Robicelli told us that the fancy Haloween treats will run you $4, and that the croissant dough is “made in-house, 100% butter, and hand-laminated. This means it’s a giant pain in the ass to make.” This is certainly more effort than most people put into making trick-or-treaters, aka freeloading moochers, happy, so thank you, Robicelli’s.
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