Gone on any dates involving too many martinis and a traipse around the Brooklyn Brewery? Well, hate to break it to you, but so has everyone else in Brooklyn. So say the data miners at first date factory HowAboutWe, who’ve released figures based on helping setting up one millin dates around the country. The breakdown for New York? We lead the nation in grabbing drinks and going somewhere to soak up some culture.
That shouldn’t come as a huge surprise, seeing as how we can shoehorn drinking into anything, but it’s still good to know that we’re the best in the country at it. The data also breaks down where the most popular destinations for a first date are, with The High Line taking number one. Of course, no one is going to sit there in the cold, so what should you do in the winter instead? Brooklyn gets some love from the HowAboutWe crowd, with Brooklyn Brewery and Brooklyn Bowl as the 4th and 5th most popular date spots.
Are there any future trends to be found in the maps? Well, the data was culled from all over the country, and for people who were curious about the forthcoming Alamo Drafthouse, it was the second most popular date location in Austin, so we’re guessing it’ll be a popular place to be in 2015. And while this may seem like a minor quibble, the most popular food choice for a date in New York, after “Other” was frozen yogurt. Come one, guys! Get it together! If someone says they want to take you out for frozen yogurt, politely decline. Or run in the other direction.
The map is below, for you to distract yourself during work/feel superior to Pittsburgh for their choice of dates.
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