In our post about Goodbye Blue Monday’s probable closing, we suggested that they wouldn’t go the crowdfunding route because they already had to do that to buy a new air conditioning system. Well, it turns out we’re not very good prognosticators, because they’ve got a GoFundMe page up looking to raise the $7,000 they owe the city in fines.
So far, the effort has raised $2,427 out of the needed $7,000 to prevent the venue from becoming a Red Mango. Presumably they have until the end of the month to get the money together, but it’s probably best to not sweat it out until the very last second because this isn’t Empire Records and no one saves beloved cultural spots at the buzzer in real life. Of course, you might not have a bunch of money to throw their way, but if there was ever a time to try to get some cash out of your rich eccentric uncle (like we all have), this would probably be the time to do it.
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