So a little while back, we told you about the Girls porn parody from Hustler (and promptly had our Facebook account suspended, the jerks), This Ain’t Girls XXX. In case you were wondering, yes, it actually happened, and yes the soundtrack has “generic soaring indie rock” on it. How do we know? Because we watched the trailer on Fleshbot, and you can too. Don’t worry, this whole post is safe for work.
If you want to watch the trailer, you can check it out here (very, VERY NSFW, it’s a porn trailer). It begins with sex in an alley between either two characters who have nothing to do with anything, or maybe the blonde is supposed to be Marnie. Following that, the parody lurches into the coffee shop that’s supposed to be Cafe Grumpy probably, some sex scenes, Hannah’s apartment, some more sex scenes, the guy that’s supposed to be Adam but isn’t really, more sex and finally some scenes with the candy ballgag. Which, if Urban Outfitters isn’t selling them at their locations by the end of the year, someone there should be fired.
So which was better, this or the SNL parody? They each had their strengths, SNL had a great Marnie and Adam, but their Hannah was a little too skinny. This Ain’t Girls also had the appropriate amount of nudity for a Girls parody, and addressed the show’s whiteness problem head on, by featuring a black performer early in the trailer. By a close judge’s decision, we’re going to give it to This Ain’t Girls. Congratulations, Hustler. May the buzz from this fund other, more cult porn parodies, like Twin Peaks, Firefly and Party Down.
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