Despite the fact that the mercury is barely getting above 70 with any regularity, summer is coming, we swear. We think. And once it gets here, you’re going to want to spend it dancing with people who are as drunk and naked as you are, which is why you go to Tiki Disco at Roberta’s. The schedule dropped, and the big news is that they’ve added a third location to host the parties, the Knockdown Center, which is just across the border in Queens. So don’t forget your passport.
If you haven’t been to Tiki Disco yet, well, we don’t know what you’re waiting for. The dance party/bacchanal is insane even by Bushwick (and Roberta’s) standards, with hundreds of people crammed in to the yard (and hundreds more waiting impatiently in a line outside). There’s even pizza if you need to recharge your groove shaking batteries and don’t function on pure alcohol like most dancing robots do.
This year, because Roberta’s put down grass in their backyard and they want to give it a chance to take hold before we trample all over it, the first three dance parties will be at the Knockdown Center, which is up Flushing Avenue in Maspeth. The former industrial space (it was a glass, then a door factory) now hosts plenty of parties, and all you want to do is dance anyway, so who cares where really. After the first three at the Knockdown Center, the party reverts to the schedule from last year, splitting time between Roberta’s and Rippers, out in the Rockaways. And since there’ll be grass at Roberta’s, you can even stand around without shoes on! Though we wouldn’t recommend it.
May 26 – Knockdown Center (52-19 Flushing Avenue, Maspeth)
June 9 – Knockdown Center
June 23 – Knockdown Center
July 7 – Roberta’s (261 Moore Street, Bushwick)
July 21 – Rippers (Boardwalk and Beach 86th Street)
July 27 – Roberta’s, w/Bushwick Block Party
August 4 – Roberta’s
August 18 – Rippers
September 1 – Rippers
September 15 – Roberta’s
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that picture looks like spraaaaaaang braaayyyyk