Last time we had a Craigsist freebie it was definitely of the “less than useful but funny” variety. Unless of course you actually own a VCR and like tracking lines on your movies. And while today’s offering is a similarly aged technology, the product has little more cultural cachet than VHS tapes. Want 8 boxes of records? They’re all yours. There’s a catch or two though…
For starters, all of the boxes are sealed. So it’s more like mystery boxes full of records. Because it’s not like they’re labeled “good” and “kitschy” and “Lawrence Welk.” And there’s no opening the boxes and digging through them either. This isn’t a record store god damnit. Well, technically, these are out in front of a record store, but if they couldn’t sell them from the dollar bin, they sure as hell don’t have to watch people dig through them on the sidewalk. So, why not take a chance and head up to Greenpoint, Guernsey Street to be precise, to grab one of the boxes? Or be really bold and grab a bunch and hope against hope that they aren’t all just “Pat Boone performs the music of James Brown” or something equally horrific.
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