In a perfect world, teased hair, positive thinking and a fedora would be enough to protect your soft, mushy brain when you’re on a bike. Sadly, fedoras don’t protect your doughy brain as well as helmets do, so you should definitely get a helmet and maybe put away your fedora forever. Fortunately, the Department of Transportation and the Brooklyn Public Library can help you with the helmet part on Tuesday, with yet another helmet giveaway.
Tuesday, May 13 the DOT is continuing its crusade against traumatic hat choices and traumatic brain injuries by giving away free bike helmets at the Brooklyn Public Library Central Branch (10 Grand Army Plaza) from 4pm-6:30pm. They want to ensure you know how to properly adjust your helmet, so you have to be present and learn how to properly fit it to receive one. Helmets are available for all ages and you’ll have to sign a waiver to receive one. While you’re at the library, maybe go the extra mile for your brain and check out one of them old-timey analog Kindles.
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