Haha, man oh man, who cares that it’s Monday? The city is gonna be shutting down by like Wednesday afternoon, so whatever, go to work today and don’t complain. Once work is done, there’s still a bunch of stuff you can find to do tonight thanks to the Brokelyn Events Calendar. It’s gonna be a good week for you, unless of course you work at a place that doesn’t respect your wishes to slow the hell down around Christmas.
Sometimes you unwrap your Christmas presents and you find yourself pretty disappointed. I can’t help with that, but I can point you to a Christmas-themed gift of a comedy show as Night Train welcomes perennial all-stars like Sasheer Zamata, JD Amato and Dan St. Germain to tell some jokes and spread some cheer.
7:30pm, Littlefield, 622 Degraw Street, Gowanus, $8
The reason for the season isn’t always taken super seriously around these parts, what with our hip urban alienation and intense drive to kill God. Still, that shouldn’t keep you from enjoying a performance by the Rev. Vince Anderson and His Love Choir, especially when the reverend is sure to pull out all the stops, with a bunch of special guests and frivolity on tap.
10:30pm, Union Pool, 484 Union Avenue, Williamsburg, Free with donation recommended
Or maybe your musical tastes aren’t affected by the seasons, and those tastes are exclusively in the realm of songs about death. You should go to Branded tonight in that case, where you can hear all sorts of spooky roots tunes about murder and mayhem, death and dismemberment. After all, why should Christmas only be about light and life?
7pm, Branded Saloon, 603 Vanderbilt Avenue, Prospect Heights, FREE
Can’t decide whether you want to see a night of weird sex-ed videos, a night of awful movies, a night of standup comedy or a night of monkey movies? Incredibly, you can see all four of those combined into one night, as Trash Can Cinema, The Wonderful World of Boning, standups Mike Brown and Katrin Hier and monkey movie expert Joe Garden give you a night of sex, comedy and questionable cinema all under one roof.
9:30pm, Videology, 308 Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg, $9.43
If you’re not Brokelyn theater correspondent Eric Kingrea, you might do a look back at your year and realize you’ve barely taken in any stagecraft this year. Too many movies to see and bars to get thrown out of I guess. Never fear, Play Date at Pete’s Candy Store is here to let you see playwrights read from their new stuff or reinterpret old stuff, all in the cozy confines of the back room at Pete’s. Just try not to rush and get a bunch of plays in at once next year, okay?
6pm, Pete’s Candy Store, 709 Lorimer Street, Williamsburg, FREE
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