The 20 best cheap things to do this weekend, flamenca edition
Market like it’s hot, heat up the dance floor, think outside the box, be cute and compute, grab some gifts, and more ways to keep warm this weekend.
Market like it’s hot, heat up the dance floor, think outside the box, be cute and compute, grab some gifts, and more ways to keep warm this weekend.
Walk the red carpet, take a bite out of the night, be a kid again, and more ways to rep your favorite subway line this week.
Gather ’round the Campfire, hoist the Giglio, gorge yourself, party way late, & more ways to crack a crustacean this weekend.
Don your finest pajamas, get schwifty at the beach, spread rainbow sparkles and more ways to fly your flag this weekend.
Get prehistoric, assume the position, take your singing from the shower to the stage, and more ways to sing along with this week.
Get trivial, look out for Casper, armor up, don’t have a cow, bring your prescription, figure it out, and more ways to go out IRL this week.
Get your butts in the air, strip down, navigate your way, click your heels together, review the highlight reel, and more ways to nip boredom in the butt.
Still need gifts? There’s a bunch of holiday markets this weekend.
Be a freak on a leash, be chili inside, you be the judge, no involvement with cups, and more ways to forget that the snow has started and winter is here.