1. Explore the energy of the full moon at Full Moon Ritual: The Mushroom Moon, where this March full moon is a time of processing, re-invigoration, and reconnection with the living earth. (Monday, Catland, $15)
2. Join in on an annual renegade ritual performance at PPPPPPurim 2020 with NYC’s wildest artists, performers, and creative rebels to create a curated night of original acts imagining a world post-patriarchy, inspired by Purim’s ancient sacred scroll. (Monday, House of Yes, $15-45)
3. Do not pass Go for Girls Behind Bars: A Historic Wrong and the Fight to End It, where the history of incarcerating girls is fraught with race and gender bias, so hear a talk about girls and the juvenile justice system. (Tuesday, Brooklyn Historical Society, $15)
4. Part rock show, comedy act, and spectacle, check out the Brooklyn Air Guitar Championship and witness some of NY’s best air guitarists battle it out to find out who will represent Brooklyn in the US Air Guitar Championship. (Tuesday, Saint Vitus Bar, $5)
5. Get the facts at The Science of Vaccines, which are among the most effective, safest, and cheap medicines ever discovered by humankind, so join Dr. Francesco Cambuli to better understand how vaccines work and ask questions. (Wednesday, Biotech Without Borders, FREE)
6. Get in on the group at Phoebe Robinson and Friends, the multi-talented stand-up comedian, New York Times best-selling writer, and actress will perform with some very talented guests. (Wednesday, Union Hall, $15)
7. Mangia at Our Sicilian Vegan Dinner, an evening of vegan Sicilian, family-style food inspired by Nonna, and si, one of those courses is dessert. (Thursday, Archestratus Books + Foods, $35)
8. Have a therapeutic, mindful alternative to standard nightlife at Club Devotion, an immersive dance party where you can fortify your passions, desires, and motivation through moving the body and clearing the mind. (Thursday, secret location, $40)
9. You don’t have to cross a bridge for Live From New York It’s New Jersey, a Garden State themed solo show variety hour where Chris Calogero will introduce you to all the wonderful things that make his home state the greatest. (Friday, Friends and Lovers, FREE)
10. Grab your greenest garb for Freak Party Paddy’s Day featuring many performances, drinking contests, costumes, dancers, and prizes. (Friday, Littlefield, $12.50-15)
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