America is a land of immigrants, of people who came to these shores because they were chased out of their home or because they dreamed that one day their children could be insolent whiners wearing Buddy Holly glasses. If you’ve been curious about your far-off ancestors, a Swedish reality show can help you with that. Provided you’re Swedish, they want to cast you in a show where you compete to meet your Swedish relatives.Allt For Sverige (All For Sweden) is a Swedish reality show that brings a group of Americans with Swedish ancestry to Sweden, to partake in traditional Swedish activities like playing hockey, running from tiny houses (like the one pictured above), visiting quaint villages and learning about the country. At the end of it all, whoever wins the cultural challenges presented to the participants gets to win the ultimate prize of meeting their Swedish family.
Sounds good, right? And it fits perfectly with the whole Brooklyn-Sweden cultural exchange going on at the moment. Sadly, you have to have some Swedish roots to have a chance to be on the show, but those roots can be small and shriveled as long they exist and you’re willing to mug for the cameras in a reality TV show.
And we think you can do that, you residents of Brooklyn who came here from the Nordic hinterlands of Minnesota and Wisconsin, so apply for the show here. Remember to emphasize how badly you want to see your ancestral homeland and partake in activities like brännbol. Here’s another hint: “I didn’t come here to make friends,” is “Jag kom inte hit för att få vänner” in Swedish. Good luck!
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