MTA board members urge NYers to sue city [Gothamist]
NYC Board of Elections to admit it purged over 200,00 voters from rolls [New York Daily News]
The road to gentrification will be lit wit Edison Bulbs [CityLab]
Talking to a self-appointed enforcer of NY’s rent laws [Brick Underground]
Rding the G train in 1996 [Brooklyn Based]
The story of your apartment [WNYC]
MTA to test barrier to stop people from falling on tracks [New York Post]
On-the-job sex between cops and civilians isn’t illegal, but it may be soon [DNAinfo]
Prospect Heights cops stage haunted labyrinth in precinct basement [Brooklyn Paper]
De Blasio says his affordable housing plan will soon be 50 percent bigger [Gothamist]
This list of NYC happy hours is far from comprehensive, but impressive nonetheless.
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