1. You know the story of Dr. Frankenstein and his Monster. Learn the schlocky story of his daughter, Lady Frakenstein, at the Spectacle Theater (Friday)
2. Get your footwork in order for dance party Footwerq at The Trophy Bar, because you don’t want to be the only one there who can’t make it bounce (Friday)
3. Get your daily recommended dose of exploding heads at a free screening of Scanners (Friday)
4. Get the education you always wanted but could never afford at the Pratt Free School (Saturday)
5. Hang out at Maria Hernandez Park and draw some stuff, because it’s April and it’s time to be outside, damn it (Saturday)
6. The Diamond has a raw oyster bar for $2 per oyster, for those of you into slurping things. Which is most of you, probably (Saturday)
7. The Brooklyn Game Lab is holding their grand opening, which will mostly involve playing games of course (Saturday)
8. This month’s First Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum is built around their civil rights exhibition, presumably in celebration of the fact that everyone has civil rights and discrimination is dead (Saturday)
9. Game of Thrones will be back Sunday, but before then, prove you’re the smartest nerd in the kingdom by winning fantasy/sci-fi spelling bee A Game of WORDS, at WORD (Saturday)
10. Videology not only has a screening of Ghostbusters, which is always fun, they’ve also got Ghostbuster universe trivia after, which means watching the cartoon finally won’t have been a waste (Saturday)
11. KafkaRotica answers the question you’ve always had but were too afraid to ask: What if classic authors wrote erotic fiction? (Saturday)
12. Draw the ace of spades at Glamdammit when they welcome Motorhead cover band Murder One to their punk rock/glam rock party (Saturday)
13. See The Fete of Mistakes, a very strange play about Niagara Falls, at The Silent Barn, and reconsider your idea about moving to Buffalo (Saturday and Sunday)
14. You always end up dominating the conversation when you talk with one, so sit down and listen to the Vagina Monologues at the Knitting Factory. It’s only fair (Saturday and Sunday)
15. The Ridgewood Artisan Market is celebrating one year of existence, so step over the Queens border and check it out (Sunday)
16. Go back to a time when men were men and detectives drank themselves into cirrhosis at a Mickey Spillane double feature at Freddy’s (Sunday)
17. Day drink at Good Co. to benefit the fight against Parkinson’s, instead of the usual day drinking to benefit your self-esteem/regard for your life choices (Sunday)
18. Bring the best taxidermy you can find to the Bell House, because they’ll let you in with it this time, for the Secret Science Club’s Carnivorous Nights taxidermy contest (Sunday)
19. Queer-friendly writers tour Sister Spit is unloading their van at Littlefield and using their words to help dismantle the patriarchy (Sunday)
20. So now that you’ve won the trivia and the spelling bees, it’s time to actually watch Game of Thrones. You can see it at The Bedford if you live closer to Williamsburg… (Sunday)
21. …Or at Lola BKLYN if you want to see winter come closer to Fort Greene and also if you have a Beer Book (Sunday)
22. Caroline Creaghead bids farewell to her weekly comedy show at Union Hall, Creaghead and Company, with an all-star lineup featuring Jon Glaser, Michael Che and many more (Sunday)
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