1. Chuck Klosterman is back with new cultural critiques and a new book he’ll be talking about at BookCourt. (Monday)
2. Why do books inside though? Books Beneath the Bridge at Brooklyn Bridge Park starts tonight with, Liberty’s Torch, Elizabeth Mitchell’s account of how the Statue of Liberty was built. (Monday)
3. Videology’s local filmmaker showcase shows off the internet’s best comedic web series. You can be up there one day too, if you follow our advice. (Monday)
4. If your air conditioner’s broken, join the herd of children flocking to Coney Island to watch Frozen and sing along to that overhyped “Let It Go” song. (Monday)
5. Rev. Vince Anderson and the Love Choir bring the spirit to Union Pool. (Monday)
6. Break away from your Tuesday night Netflix/Facebook/Tumblr routine to learn about the history of the internet with the real people of the Society for the Advancement of Social Studies at The Bedford. (Tuesday)
7. What we love about Dazed and Confused, playing in Red Hook, is as the movie gets older, Matthew McConaughey’s stache stays the same. (Tuesday)
8. Find the most rustic antiques in all the land at this vintage furniture and decor pop-up shop. (Wednesday-Sunday)
9. The Buffalo Nickels Medicine Show brings bluegrass and vaudeville comedy to the Old Stone House. (Wednesday)
10. Park your DeLorean outside McCarren Park for a SummerScreen screening of Back to the Future. (Wednesday)
11. Go to the Prospect Heights Music Festival for the bluegrass, stay for the Carnatic-Jazz-Funk. (Wednesday)
12. You get to be classy AND see fireworks at the NY Philharmonic’s Prospect Park concert. (Wednesday)
13. Illya Kuryaki and The Valderramas bring their hip-hop-rock-funk-salsa to Celebrate Brooklyn. (Thursday)
14. Ground Floor Gallery’s summer exhibition Staycation respects that we can’t afford to get too far away this summer. (Thursday)
15. Explore the subway’s tunnels without the lousy risk of getting squashed by the F at the release party for Beneath the Streets at powerHouse Arena. (Thursday)
16. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act by watching documentary Vote, It Ain’t Illegal Yet! at Prospect Park (Friday)
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