Coney Island/ Brighton Beach/ Sheepshead Bay

Out-freak the freaks at the Coney Island Talent Show

fireeaterSure, you can bring it like MJ on the dance-floor, and that David Paterson impression is killer at cocktail hours. But how about showing your stuff to the world? Next Saturday’s first ever Coney Island Talent Show is making a last call for entrants in a few distinguished categories. Cash and prizes (not to mention eternal fame and glory) await if you’ve got what it takes as a dancer (solo or troupe), “sassy senior” (over 60… and sassy), drag performer or celebrity impersonator.

Also on the Jul. 31 program are the already-closed categories of  best circus freaks & sideshow geeks and “creative kids.” You’ve got through the weekend to get your act together—entrance closes Monday, Jul. 20, so apply here or email

via Kinetic Carnival

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