Tacos are an amazing, wondrous creation. They’re small enough to tide you over as a snack with just one, but have a couple more and you’ve suddenly had yourself a decent meal. Really, the only downside to getting tacos is having to pay for tacos. And while we can’t help you get free ones right now, we can at least help you pay less for tacos, by directing your attention to this Oaxaca Taco Groupon, obviously sent here from Heaven itself.
The magic ticket of sorts is good at both Brooklyn locations, in Boerum Hill and Gowanus. You can get one of three Groupons: one for $6, one for $11 and one for $18. The $6 and $11 Groupons get you three and six tacos, respectively, while the $18 one gets you a whopping TEN tacos. You could eat for like a week with that, if you can figure out a way to reheat the tacos without making them all gross and rubbery. Or you can play taco fairy godmother and just go around handing tacos to people on the street. The possibilities are endless, provided they’re taco-related possibilities.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to change my Groupon email settings so I get less crap about helicopter tours and more about delicious tacos.
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Taco Binging
Tacos are mas overrated. It’s just an open-face sandwhich, and small at that.