While Midtown gets covered in vomit this Saturday, Ridgewood – which is just across the Queens border and increasingly is becoming something of an extension of Bushwick, for better or for worse – will be celebrating the opening of Nowadays‘ indoor space.
The sprawling, outdoor venue poached Brooklyn’s nomadic Mister Sunday and Mister Saturday Night rave parties beginning last summer. This March, the Misters’ owners, Justin Carter and Eamon Harkin, launched a Kickstarter to help create an indoor space for the parties at Nowadays (956-06 Cooper Ave.), which they also announced would be their new, permanent home.

Anyone who’s visited Nowadays has probably noticed a large, under construction structure off to the side of the outdoor space and entrance. Now that structure is officially ready to open, with an opening party this Friday, an indoor Mister Saturday Night at the venue on Saturday, and the first ever Planetarium – a live music series with a stoner-chic bliss aesthetic – on Sunday. Following this weekend’s opening parties, the indoor space will open permanently next Thursday for debauchery seven days a week.
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