Have you noticed that your mouth has been non-disco ball like lately? Is the temperature of your mouth much higher now that the ice keeping your breath cool has gone missing? Well, lucky for you aspiring rapper and/or jewelry maker, a good Samaritan has not only found your grillz, but has put up flyers all over the Bedford-Nostrand G train stop in the hopes of returning them to you. According to DNAinfo, the flyers have been up since June 30th, with the finder of the grillz leaving an e-mail address (Grillzfinder [AT] gmail.com) so you can become reunited with your jewelry and once again “have more ice than Michelle Kwan.”
The only condition the savior of your grillz requires of you, is that you send them a photo of you wearing the grillz; we assume the person has a hip hop fanatic on call, so you won’t try to get away sending A$AP Ferg or Riff Raff video snapshots. Don’t think we didn’t think of that already.
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