1. If you think about floating city states in the ocean as much as we do, you’ll appreciate the art at Seastead, inspired by those nautical utopias. (Friday)
2. Dance to electronic pop from KIT, People at Parties, and Manic Pixi at the Knitting Factory. (Friday)
3. Hear musicians from different cultural and stylistic backgrounds come together at Found Sound Nation Concert #3 at Pioneer Works. (Friday)
4. See our own food expert, Kenji Magrann-Wells give a lecture on molecular gastronomy at Nerd Nite at Littlefield, and listen to a couple other science-based lectures too. (Friday)
5. Listen to local musicians as you drink locally distilled vodka and buy locally crafted jewelry at Industry City Distillery’s The Readymade Revue. (Friday)
6. Dance wildly to your favorite hip hop and house booty jamz at #HOTACTION at One Last Shag. (Friday)
7. Hear the real dialogue that somehow never made the cut for I Love Lucy and Sabrina the Teenage Witch at Videology’s Live Dubbed Sitcoms. (Friday)
8. If free pizza isn’t reason enough to leave your house, there’s also free comedy featuring Joe Zimmerman and Kevin Barnett awaiting you at The Secret Loft Show. (Friday)
9. See the Vagina Monologues and support VDAYSunsetPark, which fights to stop violence against women. (Friday-Saturday)
10. While you still can’t fight hunger by eating drawings of sandwiches yet, you can Love Food Soul Project at this art showcase fundraiser. (Saturday)
11. Show the folks trying to make the Gowanus Canal less horrifically toxic some love at Antifreeze, a fundraiser at littlefield featuring music, tarot card reading, raffles, a silent auction, and plenty of food. (Saturday)
12. We know you have moving sagas about perseverance to tell the world, so share them over beers from Bronx Brewery at The Big Lean. (Saturday)
13. Just because you’re out of college doesn’t mean it’s too late to experiment, so hear some experimental musicians at Group Work: Part II, part of the Composers Now Festival. (Saturday)
14. Pop some tags at Housing Works’ Best of Spring sale. (Saturday-Sunday)
15. Gorge through the gluten-free utopia of your dreams at the one year anniversary of Levine’s Gluten-Free Eat Up at Freddy’s Bar. (Sunday)
16. Pay tribute to everyone’s favorite mushy jams at The Language of Love, a classical love song concert. (Sunday)
17. You can win prizes if you’ve GoT the answers at Trivia of Ice and Fire at Over the Eight. (Sunday)
18. The Night Shift is a classical music concert without the classical rules, so go ahead and enjoy your Bach with a beer at littlefield. (Sunday)
19. The only proper way to get through a zombie apocalypse is with plenty of alcohol, so head to Cantina Royal for The Walking Dead Drinking Game. (Sunday)
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