Say what you will about Anthony Weiner, like, for example, that he lacks even the most basic amount of self-control to the point where it cost him the only job he ever wanted in his entire life, but the guy knows how to yell at people. He made his name doing it in the House of Representatives, without doing much else, and he’s had some decent run-ins during this election cycle. But soon the primary will be over and the only people Anthony Weiner will be able to yell at are people on the street. Well, OK, that’s what’s happening in this video, but the difference is there won’t be a huge media throng around him to record doing a sad, funny rendition of 2Pac’s “Only God Can Judge Me” in a Boro Park bakery.
It’s taken an entire election cycle, but Weiner is almost sympathetic when he starts the “I’ve done more than you for this community” dick swinging with a complete stranger. Almost.
[Video taken by Jacob Kornbluh]
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