Quick, know what day it is? That’s right, it’s the first Tuesday of the month, and besides meaning that you should remember to pay your rent, it also means it’s time for the Punderdome 3000 at Littlefield (622 Degraw Street, Gowanus). Usually that’s a reason to celebrate all on it’s own, but this one should be a little more special, our little vikings. That’s because the celebrity judges for this month’s Punderdome will be none other than Michael Maronna and Dany Tamberelli, who you may know better as Pete and Pete, fromĀ The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Drink an Orange Lazarus for strength and then see how you can win two tickets to tonight’s puntest.
Maronna and Tamberelli showing up at Punderdome makes plenty of sense, given the higher profile they’ve had since the run of reunion shows two years ago. Especially Danny Tamberelli, who’s been seen more around Brooklyn with his sketch group, Manboobs Comedy. That, and the fact that the Punderdome itself isn’t too far off from something you’d probably see onĀ Pete and Pete itself.
The role of the celebrity judges at Punderdome, for those who’ve never been, is to give critiques, both encouraging and maybe not so encouraging, to contestants who’ve made it out of the first round of punning. So if you’ve ever wanted to have childhood TV celebrities either tell you that you’re doing a good job, or lightly insult you, or if you’ve ever wanted to watch that happen to other people, tonight’s show, at 7:30pm, is for you.
Tickets are just $6 in advance, $7 at the door, but want to go for free? Of course you do! Give us your best classic Nickelodeon pun in the comments by 5pm, and we’ll pick a winner who gets two tickets to tonight’s show. Something like, “I had a pet rodent when I was in college, but he only liked walking on carpeting. He was a real Rugrat.” Or “My friend isn’t that great with guys, but I have found she has a type. She can always close the deal with the guy’s name is Alex. She’s a real Alex Mack.” The more groan-inducing the better.
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