The saying is wrong, beauty isn’t only skin deep! Comedian and event mastermind Jo Firestone, the brains and laughs behind Friends of Single People, the World’s Tiniest Comedy Club and the Punderdome, has gathered together 12 folks who may look average on the outside, but possess above-average souls, to compete for the title of “Most Inner Beautiful” at the 3rd Annual Inner Beauty Pageant, Wednesday at 8pm at Littlefield. Hell, as long as it’s pageant season, you may as well get to as many as you can.
Even though we’re judging the beauty within here, a pageant is a pageant, people, and Firestone never does anything half-assed, so expect the whole nine yards: there’s a talent portion, which according to Firestone has previously featured people doing things like ripping out their “heart” (actually a condom stuffed with tofu covered in corn syrup) or someone blindfolding themselves and determining whether 6 different snack foods were name-brand or generic snack foods. There are pageant-style interview questions, which people have been asked about their ideal date, what their mom was like and the worst thing they’ve ever done for money, and a home-made swimsuit competition, which as you can see above leads to some imaginative interpretations of swimwear.
Audience members will determine the winner via secret ballot, on which you can also write encouraging things to the participants, even if you don’t vote for them. After all, while their can only be one winner at the Inner Beauty Pageant, there’s no reason you can’t look for the beauty inside each contestant.
3rd annual Inner Beauty Pageant, Wednesday, June 18, 8pm, Littlefield, 622 Degraw Street, Gowanus, $7
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