Reality TV is hiring! This is your chance to find out what it’s like to be a professional NYC chef who’s getting yelled at by an irate British man instead of a two-hour line full of foie-gras craving Brooklynites (oh GoogaMooga jokes, we just can’t quit you). Fox’s Hell’s Kitchen is holding auditions right now for cooks and chefs in the NYC, NJ and Connecticut areas for the new season of the show. We know this town is full of culinary craftspeople of all shapes and sizes; are any of you into this? Or are you more the who-needs-reality-tv-let’s-open-our-own-mayonnaise-shop crowd? The casting notice says: “Maybe you come from a long line of chefs, cooked for a celebrity, were a fry cook in a fast food restaurant, old age home, summer camp, cooked for a president or somewhere interesting and different? Tell us your story!”
Find out how to apply below.
Put “Your name/Your city” in the subject line:
Include your full name, age, phone number, photos, where you live-city/state, culinary experience, why you would be the perfect contestant for the show and what sets you apart from the rest.
If you’re actually going to do this, tell us about yourself in the comments.
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