Are The Walkmen the best band ever? People are already typing us angry emails to tell us that no, they are not. Whatever, shut up music nerds, because even if The Walkmen aren’t the greatest band ever, there’s no shame in calling them that. And go ahead and grouse at your keyboards, we’ll be enjoying the insanely awesome FREE WALKMEN SHOW in McCarren Park this June.
Yeah, that’s right: The Walkmen are coming to New York only once this year, and they’re making that stop a free show at McCarren Park on June 15 at 4pm. The show is part of the Northside Festival, and in a twist in badge-based festival protocol, this is an event that badge holders are guaranteed entrance to. We know, right? Good scheme to drive up sales for the badges. If you want to take your chances without a badge, you can RSVP for the show here, but take warning: there’s no guarantee you get in just because you have an RSVP. Anyway, this will be completely bonkers, and if you haven’t seen The Walkmen yet but don’t really want to see anything else at Northside, you should start camping out at McCarren now, just to be safe.
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