1. Marvel at some big shiny computer graphics at the Coney Island Flicks screening of Iron Man 3. (Monday)
2. Get your magical realism fix with this book release for Land of Love and Drowning, which follows several generations of a family in the Virgin Islands. (Monday)
3. Go to Night Owl Comedy, it’ll be a hoot. (Tuesday)
4. See The Incredibles at Red Hook Flicks, it’ll be alright. (Tuesday)
5. Hear from these speakers about how they use art to impact their communities. (Tuesday)
6. The Secret Science Club welcome marine biologist David Gruber to the Bell House, to talk about the terrifying glowing creatures at the bottom of the ocean, not his infamous terrorist brother Hans. (Tuesday)
7. Neutral Milk Hotel’s show this week is a benefit concert, but don’t let that stop you from using our outdoor concert cheat sheet to optimize your concert-mooching experience. (Tuesday, Wednesday)
8. This comedy night doesn’t just feature standup, it also has a screening of Degrassi: The Next Generation, hosted by the Degrassholes. (Wednesday)
9. Dance to Brazilian forro at the Brooklyn Central Library plaza. (Wednesday)
10. You’re definitely young and likely wild and probably free Wednesday, so come to this comedy show. (Wednesday)
11. Head to this reading at the and learn about how the development of the subway was shaped the rivalry between two cities you’d never expect to have a feud–New York and Boston. (Wednesday)
12. See some old school Johnny Depp at this showing of Cry-Baby at McCarren Park. (Wednesday)
13. Don’t forget to start chopping onions during the stampede scene at this showing of The Lion King at Amersfort Park. (Wednesday)
14. See jazz musician Tal Blumstein at Tea Lounge. (Thursday)
15. There’s comedy at 739 Franklin, which we hear is Sooo Up and Coming. (Thursday)
16. Hear some folk at Celebrate Brooklyn with Nickel Creek. (Thursday)
17. See Meryl Streep play a fox (she really CAN do any role!) at the Brooklyn Bridge Park screening of Fantastic Mr. Fox. (Thursday)
18. Kane and the Cicadas sounds like an appropriate band to listen to in the middle of summer. (Friday)
19. Do some live music listening and some silent art auctioning at this fundraiser for the Animal Sanctuary. (Friday)
20. See some hot-sculpted glass guns at Clear and Present Danger before the government comes and takes them away forever. (Friday)
21. Float over to the opening reception of Defying Gravity at Java Studios Gallery. (Friday)
22. Take the R to Narrows Botanical Garden to see the original Taking of Pelham 1, 2, 3. This version doesn’t have Denzel Washington, but we hear it has other redeeming qualities (Like old-school Walter Matthau – ed). (Friday)
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