The Mermaid Parade triumphantly returns to Coney Island this Saturday. There will be many babes and hunks in sea gear, and much fun will be had. But what about when you’re done tipsily hitting on anthropomorphic sea creatures? We’ve got the solution: we’re giving away tickets to Saturday night’s Cyclones game against the hated Aberdeen IronBirds! And win or lose, there are post-game fireworks, although of course they’ll be more exciting if the Cyclones win.
You must be an e-mail subscriber to win. It’s free and easy: fill in that little box to your right that says “JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST” and click subscribe. In the upcoming newsletters, click the link to enter. That’s all you have to do. We’ll be accepting entries until noon tomorrow and will contact our winner on soon after that.
Keep an eye out for the newsletter every Thursday in your mailbox. After this contest is over, we’ll have many more giveaways and lots of useful info.
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