Have you been looking around your apartment and feeling like all of your furniture is a bit drab? That all it does is provide a place for you to sit, or put your other possessions on, without really popping? Well good news! The folks at Gowanus’ movie recycling store Film Biz Recycling (540 President Street) are having themselves a giant sale, with 50% off everything in the store. Like say, that Christmas-based monstrosity above. Though you could probably pick something less garish than that, but what do we know?
The sale, going on today, Saturday and Sunday, is happening because the prop-recycling store has to make room for more wonderful film props to come in. And they’re certainly not gonna throw them in the trash when they could sell them to you at a huge discount. 50% off everything isn’t a deal you usually get to take advantage of, especially when buying movie props that are still useful as either actual furniture or just cool conversation pieces at your apartment.
They’ve got art, furniture, lights, whatever you need to turn your apartment from a house into a home. Or barring that, a place with really really creepy dolls just sitting around it.
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