New York’s push for affordable housing has resulted in another opportunity for sweet living in a hot neighborhood. 40 Vanderbilt, a supportive housing residence near the Navy Yard and just a hop, skip and a jump away from dive bar favorite Alibi, is now taking applicants for its fully-furnished apartments that range in cost from $492 to $664 a month. And even better than previous below-market rate apartments we’ve highlighted, this one has already gone through its housing lottery phase and is now open to members of the general public.
If you’re a single adult with no kids and make between $21,774 and $28,650 per year, you could very well end up being one of the lucky sons of bitches that gets picked to live in this bright, green-friendly building with amenities like on-site laundry, 24-hour security and a gym. It also comes with on-site social services from Brooklyn Community Housing and Services, hence the supportive housing designation.

If you want to apply, the form to fill out can be found here. After you’ve sent the application in, or probably before so that you’re not scrambling, gather: 6 consecutive pay stubs, your government ID, your 2010 and 2011 tax returns, 3 months of current, dated bank statements, proof of residency, utility bills and a $30 check or money order. Don’t send it with your application, bring these with you if you’re called in for an interview. If you get the apartment though, beers are on you. Forever.
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Living on 21K in NYC? There’s no WAY without welfare/financial assistance or having kids paid for by a third party. No way.
raymond brunson: i would like -to- see, some of your apartments!
i’m looking for apartment in the rang-of 700-850-rang.
Yes, it’s possible. It’s called hustling and under-the-table wages.
I’ve done it no problem. I had a great studio in Richmond Hill Queens for $806 a month…took the Q10 to the Union Turnpike A,C,F or the 113th Street J train and rode 45 minutes to my Chelsea office every day. I got a lot of reading done on the train and was very content. If you can’t afford to live in Manhattan or a few stops into Brooklyn then you move where you can AFFORD to live. It’s that’s simple.
There is a way. I live here on 12k. I share a bedroom with an unrelated person dorm-style and I never go out and have fun, but I live here and I’m not on welfare.
I lived in NY for over 6 years on min. wage. Its called tips and side projects in cash. It certainly isn’t fun but it can and does happen quite a lot. Every server in the city is doing it.
Will love one of the three dbrm bed room apartment.I love in tight quarters right now and from the looks of things you can get me started.
i wanna see your affordable 1 bedroom apartments
If you live in a building with 6 or more units that was built before 1948 and the rent has never exceeded 2500/month, your apartment is probably rent stabilized! It’s the last thing your landlord would ever tell you, so find out on your own via the DHCR. Get your rent reduced, locked into a 2-4% max increase a year, and sue them for what they’ve been overcharging you. If the landlord has gotten away with not reporting the apartment for 4 years, however, theyre in the clear… So act now, know your rights!
Maybe for white hipsters or professionals who they are encouraging to move back to BK. But NO WAY for black folk.