We obviously have plenty of love for a lot of the Brooklyn bars out there, but sometimes it feels like bar menus in Edison bulb-lit drinking holes are just pulling their combinations out from a random algorithm. If you’ve been thinking that you want to open a Brooklyn bar and make a menu that’s the toast of the food world, but lack that same algorithm, we’ve got great news for you. Some denizen of the internet has put together the Brooklyn Bar Menu Generator, which will help you figure out just how to combine your monkfish and your lime discs and your duck fat in such a way that you wind up with a two-star review in the Times.
The best thing about the menu generator is that beyond the fact that it makes you Brooklyn’s next white hot small plate lineup, it even does the same job the Brooklyn Business Name Generator does and names your bar for you. So if Williamsburg & Bragg or The Jodie doesn’t work for you, maybe The Halsey will do it for you.
Okay one more, because honestly we could waste time with this all day, and we imagine you could to, so go do that.
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