After 285 Kent closed its doors earlier this year, we were able to say, “Well, at least we still have Glasslands and Death by Audio.” We can’t say that anymore though, because Death by Audio just posted a note to its website saying that they’ll be closing their doors at the end of November. According to prophecy, it’s so that they can become The Andrew WK Center for Ear Drums Damaged By Partying, but we imagine it won’t be something that cool.
According to the note on their website, Death By Audio will host its last show on November 22 this year, after which South 2nd Street and Kent Avenue will be a much lamer place. In the mean time, they’re having what they’re calling their “closing party” starting with their show on September 10 (a video game installation opening party) and then rolling on for 75 days until their final show.
According to an email from Death By Audio arcade gallery curator Mark Kleback, bookers and curators at Death By Audio could see the end coming as far back as their lease signing in 2013, when “the landlords sort of asked us if we could still afford to live in this neighborhood.” Then, when “the Vice deal [for their new headquarters] happened, we started negotiating with the landlords for a move-out date…November was a sort of compromise so that we could have a good send-off, as well as get out of the building before the major construction started.”
In a Facebook note put up on his wall, Death By Audio general manager Edan Wilber says that he knew the closing was coming “for a few weeks,” and that he’ll be asking his favorite local bands to come back to play DBA one last time. Both Kleback and Wilber expressed astonishment that Death By Audio lasted as long as it did, with Kleback asking the rhetorical question “with the new condos going up across the street, how long did we really expect to last?”
Well…at least we have Glasslands still?
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