Today’s sunshine may be acting like a tease, but the words we tell ourselves to get through winter are truer than ever in this last week of February: it’s almost over. So with spring and summer just around the corner, it’s about time to start thinking of things like the beach, outdoor music festivals and baseball. Specifically, our hometown Cyclones, who defend Brooklyn’s Single-A pride capably every season. They’re also great neighbors, as evidenced by their Meaningful Mondays promotion, that will give money to a different community impacted by Sandy every night one is held.
The Cyclones will do the promotion for six home games on Monday this year, and for each game, $3 from every ticket sold will go to helping a different neighborhood hit by Sandy: Coney Island, Gerritsen Beach, Nassau County (Long Beach!), Staten Island and Breezy Point/The Rockaways. Is this as funny as Fictitious Friday? Well, no, but it’s also not designed to be. But if you haven’t been to a Cyclones game yet and gotten the thrill of heckling an ump who can actually hear you, these are especially good nights to go, so you can wrap your sports night in the blanket of charity.
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