If the scalpers have priced you out of going to tonights 12-12-12 Sandy benefit concert but you’re still looking to rock out (or see if any of those #NirvanaBeatlesSongs jokes come true) we’ve got you covered. There are plenty of other ways to be able to watch and listen to the show without having to pay $10 for a plastic cup of beer, even if that beer goes to a good cause.The first option you have is good ole’ tv since channels from AMC to VH1 will be airing the concert live tonight. So now’s the time to find that one friend of yours who has a television and show up unannounced with some beers. You can also show up at Brooklyn Bowl, who have promised to show the concert between acts tonight.
For those of you who may still be stuck behind a desk at that time or just prefer to go digital, there are also plenty of streaming options online, from Hulu to YouTube, ifc.com to MySpace. Who knows, maybe you’ll get the best feed over on MySpace since at this point people don’t even believe it exists.
And if you are still at work but your boss isn’t a fan of non-work websites, there’s always the radio with 106.7 Lite fm, 103.5 KTU, Z100, Q104.3, and Power 105.1 FM all broadcasting the show. However, for the platinum package of not actually going to the concert, some movie theaters will be showing it live as well. Unfortunately, only two theaters in the city will be airing it: National Amusements’ at 2784 Linden Blvd, and Clearview’s ChelseaCinemas, at 260 West 23rd Street.
Of course, however you choose to enjoy the concert, be sure to donate while you’re watching or listening. Because not all of the artists tonight are in it for career-defining outbursts.
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