1. The Society for the Advancement of Social Studies wants to give you a lesson in fear (Monday)
2. Head to Union Hall and show everyone how much better you are at video games than they are (Monday)
3. Observe the 15th anniversary of Matthew Shepard’s death with a choral performance dedicated to him (Monday)
4. CMJ starts today, which means all those great free shows we told you about also start today (Monday)
5. There’s a release party for that new Bridget Jones book that’s proven to be very controversial reminder that death haunts us all (Monday)
6. Crime writer George Pelecanos pops in to talk about his new book, which surprisingly enough, is about a man ith a dark side (Tuesday)
7. Videology’s month-long horror binge knows what you did last summer. Get it, because it’s 1990s horror today. Also, we all know, the pictures are on Facebook (Tuesday)
8. Ramen joint Dassara hosts the first of their two nights dedicated to showing animation from young video and graphic designers (Wednesday)
9. Learn all about the plants that are native to both NYC and the Arctic, prove you were right that sometimes this place feels like a wasteland tundra (Wednesday)
10. Learn about all the new words we’ve had to develop to describe life in the 21st century, because we’re both wacky and advanced (Wednesday)
11. Moonshot Magazine is having a release party at Mellow Pages for their fifth issue, and you know what that means: another chance to look cultured while you drink yourself into a blackout (Wednesday)
12. Let’s Get Pregnant with Comedy sounds like it’s taking things to a more literal level this month, based on the promised appearance of the Handjob Academy (Wednesday)
13. Got questions about the Affordable Care Act? Get answers from friendly neighborhood Congresswoman Yvette D. Clark (Thursday)
14. It’s been a long week, so unwind with some yoga and an open bar, and hit on every person you see because the yoga and open bar is also a singles event (Thursday)
15. Celebrate independent publishers at WORD, because they’re fighting every day against big soulless publishers (Thursday)
16. Hear original stories about the dangers of just being alive (of which there are many) at Frank’s Cocktail Lounge (Thursday)
17. Set sail for comedy at Steamboat, at Greenlight Books. The jokes will presumably be better than that one (Thursday)
18. Hear all about The Othermill, a desktop machine that could revolutionize manufacturing, but in a good way, not a NAFTA/WTO way (Friday)
19. Time for another literary party at the Park Slop Food Coop. Don’t worry, you won’t have to bag any groceries. Unless you want to, we suppose (Friday)
20. Head On is bringing you back in time for a competition between dad jams and mom jeans. Just don’t think about how these are the songs your parents made out to before you ruined their lives by being born (Friday)
21. Cocktail bar Hunter’s is celebrating the Hunter’s moon with a costume party, animal costumes encouraged. Giving in the animalistic side of your nature because of the red full moon even more encouraged (Friday)
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