If you’ve ever ridden your bike around Bushwick, you might have noticed that there isn’t much in the way of bike lanes, as cyclists are left to fend for themselves, whipping chains at cars that get too close. Well, maybe not that last part, but there’s definitely a paucity of bike lanes there, and now the Department of Transportation wants to give the neighborhood more, according to DNA Info. They’re even being nice enough to listen to community input on where they should go.
Despite being inundated with young people riding bikes over the last few years, the bike infrastructure in the world’s 7th coolest neighborhood has lagged a bit behind. This should start changing with the D.O.T. sitting down with community members next Tuesday at a meeting at the 83rd Precinct (480 Knickerbocker Avenue) that will go down from 6:30pm to 8pm. Can’t make it? Won’t set foot in a police station? Fortunately, you can fill out an online survey that asks things like where you ride your bike, what streets in Bushwick would benefit most from a bike lane and even asks about bike parking, which could maybe mean you’ll see more of that.
If all goes according to plan, DNA Info says the Department of Transportation will start laying down the bike lanes in 2016, so you’ve got just a little over a year left of taking the sometimes very bumpy Evergreen Avenue bike lane or whipping that bike chain at cars. Stay safe out there!
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