Come on, you know you’re visually stimulating. If you’ve got mad video-making skillz, here’s your shot to get them seen. Brooklyn Bowl and Vimeo are accepting videos for the upcoming Eye Candy For Strangers, the third such showcase event where the most visually-wowing home-made videos (“visual stimuli”) will get shown under the musical stylings of some of BK Bowl’s very special big-name guests. If chosen, your video will play on Jul. 29 on all of the venue’s gigantic HD projection screens, to a live show by BLOCKHEAD and the DVJ’d tunes of Psyberpixie. And it’s not a one-time deal—your eye candy will be kept around to play at future events too.
Vimeo, Learned Evolution and Brooklyn Bowl are accepting video submissions through July 26. To submit, upload your video to Vimeo, join the Brooklyn Bowl :: Eye Candy for Strangers group, and then click “Add” to the right of the video. Videos must be 10 minutes or less, and they can be anything from music videos, VJ visuals and short films to animation and graphic art. Keep in mind that the audio won’t be heard—your work will be judged solely on visual content (this is eye candy, after all). And feel free to get your credits in there too (for 5 seconds or less). All the rest of the rules are here. And you can check out all your video competition here.
Submitting is free and the event’s free with an RSVP on Facebook. Otherwise, it’s $5 in advance, $7 on Jul. 29. 6 p.m. doors, 8 p.m. show & stay ’til 11 to get in free to ?uestlove’s weekly DJ set.
Brooklyn Bowl, 61 Wythe Ave. between N. 11th and N. 12th Sts., Williamsburg
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