It’s Wednesday baby, “The Fulcrum of The Week!” For myself and other here at Brokelyn, it’s even closer to the end of the week than usual though, because we’re planning on making Friday a hangover convalescence day for our giant horrible hangover from our awesome party (now with Crystal Pepsi). You should plan that too, and with that knowledge in hand, find something great to do tonight. Fortunately, the Brokelyn Events Calendar has a bunch of great things to do. Pretty cool how that works, tbh.
John Hodgman is a deranged billionaire who still likes coming down from his dirigible on occassion to hang out with us peasants. David Rees is a former cartoonist who now #disrupts everyday life by making simple, everyday tasks more efficient on his show Going Deep with David Rees. Together, they’re…friends I guess, they’re not like a superhero team or anything. Tonight though, they’re your partners in karaoke, which will be performed right after watching an episode of Going Deep about the most efficient way to take a nap.
9pm, Old Carriage Inn, 312 7th Avenue, Park Slope, FREE
Seeing as how the above karaoke party is probably going to be a shitshow, what with two famous TV men there, you might be more interested in actually getting a good chance to sing as opposed to waiting for your song or the famous TV men to accidentally drop some thousand dollar bills. There’s always Humans Against Music’s karaoke night, which is so lo-fi that the lyrics come on paper and your cues on when to come in come from sign language and glances the show’s kindly host. And while it’s no thousand dollar bill dropped by a celebrity, you can can win a three pound canned ham if you’re the night’s best singer!
9pm, Freddy’s, 627 5th Avenue, South Slope, FREE
Sometimes you stare into someone’s eyes for the purposes of seduction, sometimes you do it because you’re an eye doctor and you need to see what’s wrong with them. Tonight though, you can stare into someone’s eyes in the pursuit of cold hard cash and being crowned a champion. You can laugh, you can heckle from the audience, but whatever you do, you can’t blink. Also, like a strip club, no touching. If you win though, you’ll get the whole pot of $3 entrance fees, and maybe in the course of the competition you’ll have seduced someone and then you can go make out in The Diamond’s backyard ski gondola.
8pm, The Diamond, 43 Franklin Street, Greenpoint, $3 to enter and free to attend
‘Tis the season to watch some kind of adaptation of A Christmas Carol because reading is for nerds (except for Brokelyn dot com of course). You’ve seen the rest, so why not see this strange one made by The Twilight Zone‘s Rod Serling to hype up the U.N. and has been unavailable to the public for 50 years, in which a cast of people like Robert Shaw, Eva Saint Marie and Peter Sellers confronted the horrors of war and the importance of global empathy in the style of A Christmas Carol.
caribBEING has been sharing the work of Caribbean filmmakers for years now, and if you’re not up on their work, tonight is a great opportunity to see what they’re about. BRIC is hosting them to show two short films, one about a meeting of two famous Caribbean authors and the other about a woman emigrating here from Jamaica, host a discussion with culture author Oneka LeBennett and a performance from poet Irka Mateo. It’ll be like going to the Caribbean, except cheaper and accessible by bus or subway and also colder.
7pm, BRIC House, 647 Fulton Street, Fort Greene, FREE
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