We’re only a few weeks away from entire parts of Manhattan being open for us to walk/bike/run without fear of getting crushed by cars/buses/ice cream trucks etc. Summer Streets is an event that we all look forward to, but this Friday, you can experience the freedom of Brooklyn streets free of all those machines in Bay Ridge’s annual Summer Stroll.
According to Brooklyn Based, residents and visitors can walk 3rd Avenue between 80th Street and 90th Street Friday night. If you’ve never been to Bay Ridge, or have but are not too familiar with the area, this is a great opportunity to see what the neighborhood has to offer, and get some use out of your South Brooklyn Beer Book. You can buy your next summer reading book over at the Book Mark Shoppe, watch a game at The Salty Dog, a sports bar made to look like a firehouse; or if you want something more traditional, you can’t go wrong having a bite at the Anopoli Family Restaurant. If you can’t make it this Friday, no worries, because they will be doing it all over again on August 7 and 8, shutting down the streets between 69th and 80th.
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